Is Crime Rising Near Your Hospitality Business? 4 Services Hotel Security Guards Provide That Go Beyond Guarding The Door

Rising crime rates require making changes to hotel security plans, and it's common to wonder how much assistance you actually need with preventing crime on your property. While you may be familiar with the concept of having guards stand near the door to prevent non-guests from entering, you may be curious about what other forms of security services they can provide. As they generate a clear presence on your property, hotel security guards can also provide these services that keep guests and staff safer.

Address Unruly Guests

The hotel desk staff you hire may be selected for traits that don't always align with what you need for enhanced security. For instance, that friendly smile may not be very helpful for deterring guests that are intent on causing property damage or disrupting other guests. While your customer service team can easily handle complaints regarding small noise-related issues, you may need a stronger force to address people who are inebriated or engaging in other high-risk behaviors while your staff waits for backup to arrive.

Secure Potential Entry Points

Hotel guests often put everyone at risk by propping open doors to make it easier to bring in their luggage or sneak someone inside. There are also times when someone may accidentally forget to make sure that a door locks and latches, and windows can be broken by natural forces, such as hail. Security guards can be asked to do frequent perimeter checks to ensure that every possible access point is secure from unwanted activity.

Monitor the Parking Lot

If word breaks out that your hotel parking lot is a hotbed of criminal activity, then you'll quickly see a drop off in reservations. Guests also tend to be wary of staying in places where the parking lot is full of glass from broken car windows or has people lurking around. Security guards can also monitor the exterior part of your property while keeping an eye out for people or vehicles that don't have a reason to be there.

Escort Staff to Their Vehicles

The members of your hotel's staff may need to go in and out of the building at all hours of the night. Whether they are walking out on break or heading home, they also should feel secure as they go about their activities. With a security guard on your team, all they have to do is ask for an escort to feel safer walking outside on your property.

Contact a hotel security guard to learn more. 

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About Me

Bolstering Store Security There aren't a lot of things that scare me, but dealing with an intruder is definitely one of those things. I think it is scary to be faced with a situation where you don't know what you would do or what the other person might do, so I began thinking about how to bolster security at home. I began talking with family members and friends about going through and adding locks and various things to the house, and it became clear that there was a lot we could be doing to improve things. On this website, I wanted to chat about home security, so you can protect yourself.

